Fakka platform offers multiple electronic payment services

Fakka is a promising fintech startup in Egypt that was founded at the end of 2020 with a focus on aggregation and facilitation businesses. 

Fakka uses technology to modify, enhance, and automate financial services for companies, merchants and consumers in order to achieve the goal of a cashless society.




Fakka is trying to facilitate a communication layer that provides all of those fintech technologies to our customers with a smooth, easy to use and profitable revenue stream to process all types of payments for the customers all over Egypt     Vision: Fakka vision is to facilitate digital financial services and reach Egypt’s underserved and unbanked segment of customers and enable them to approach a financial inclusion and cashless society in Egypt Mission: Fakka mission is to empower the Egyptian society by innovative digital solutions of payments to decrease time, effort and cost and approach a digitally enabled society Values:
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What distinguishes our site?

Many electronic payment gateways have emerged over the past few years, as a direct result of the rapid boom in e-commerce. 20 due to sanitary segregation in the channels become

Fakka Aggregation for merchants (POS)
Fakka Aggregation for merchants (POS)
POS machines and merchants’ applications with stable and fast services and response times including package of services that are needed for consumers
Fakka PLUS aggregation for corporates (Coming Soon)
Fakka PLUS aggregation for corporates (Coming Soon)
Fakka aims to create a distribution layer for its services to corporates with more benefits and profits
Fakka user application (Coming Soon)
Fakka user application (Coming Soon)
Mobile application for individuals where they can charge their wallets and pay their services smoothly and in a fast way. Fakka Facilitation (Coming Soon) :Where Fakka expands its portfolio to include E-Payment facilitation services with cooperati

our services



Fakka allows you to serve donations with easiest way. Entities that you can donate to through us 57357 Baheya Al Nas Al Orman جمعية عيون مصر جمعية النور والأمل جمعية اهل مصر جمع

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Fakka service allows you to pay all public utilities  Electricity Bills ( Electricity bills smart meters - Energy charging for electricity_Iskra - Energy payment for electricity

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Online Payments

Online Payments

Fakka provide you with a service to pay all the installments and services you need Available services Veezeta Bein Sport Edfa3ly Fawry Pay Valu Amazon Skype Blue Bus i Tunes

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